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Early Detection Equipment

In March 1939 the first Air Ministry Experimental Station (AMES) No. 242 was mounted at Dingli Cliffs. By mid-July 1941 the number of stations was increased by three:
No. 501 AMES at Tas-Silg, No. 502 AMES at Madliena and No. 504 AMES at Dingli (Dingli is one of the highest points in Malta).
The information received by the stations, which consisted of the approximate number of approaching aircraft (both Allied and Axis) and their height was passed to the
Filter Room at Lascaris War Rooms. The Filter Room would then pass the information to the plotters in the Operations Room where, on instruction, they would place counters
on the grid references on a large map of the Central Mediterranean with Malta in the centre. This information would then pass to RAF fighter operations to intercept enemy formations.

For an exact control of RAF fighters intercepting enemy aircraft, a GCI (Ground Control Interception) station was also mounted at Qawra Point as 314 AMES.
More radar stations were afterwards set up: No. 241 AMES at Ghar Lapsi (previously installed at Dingli in 1939), 841 AMES at Wardija and at No. 521 at
Gozo Giordan Lighthouse. These RDFs consisted of AM.13/14 units.
From an extract in The Times(Malta), Friday, 12th February 2010 - Radar stations during wartime Malta. By Charles Debono.

Radar position situated at Qawra Tower taken in 1943.The equipment in this
photo is thought to be
sound enhancing equipment to detect raids at a distance.
Photo courtesy of Paul from his father (Bill Lazell's) collection.

Operations room in Lascaris Bastion, Valletta.
Photo courtesy of Paul from his father (Bill Lazell's) collection.

Photo courtesy of Andrew Hili

Mk 1 Receiver stationed at Zebbug, 1942.
Photo courtesy of Paul from his father (Bill Lazell's) collection.

1941 instructors (& tiffies): back row with pipe Harold Gingell, 4th from left Cyril Oxley from Yorkshire, 5th from left Peter Holdy from Stroud, Gloucestershire

1942 instructors: 5th from left Cyril Oxley from Yorkshire, 6th from left Malcolm Cross

1942: Harold Gingell with pipe & tiffy Haskell

These 3 photos courtesy of Tim Gingell whose father Harold Gingell worked on radar during his time in Malta.

Rank: Staff Sgt
Radar Instructors ( Sgt Cyril Oxley and myself ) were posted to Malta Command HQRA.
Arrived by boat in Malta on 24-12-1939.
Posted to 10th A.A. Brigade.
Posted to 7th A.A. Regt., Manoel Island.
Posted to School of Artillery,Birzebbuga ( Pretty Bay ).
Left Malta and posted back to England in Feb 1944.