Other Website Links
I have split links up into various categories due
to the increasing number reported.
Please use links in the left hand column to open relevant page.
http://website.lineone.net/~stephaniebidmead/index.htm Births, deaths, marriages & cemetery information. |
This is an
amazing site listing births, deaths & marriages on Malta through the
period of WWII +. Also included is a list of those buried in the various
cemeteries. Huge amount of data presented & a must for anyone interested in Maltese history. |
http://www.paulsww2photographs.webeden.co.uk/#/welcome/4527415452 | If you look through e-Bay on a search for Malta photos you are bound to see Paul's photos which were taken by his father on Malta during the war. To open this site you will need to download a small flash player program but this only takes a couple of seconds & is always useful for any other sites needing it. |
http://www.bbc.co.uk/ww2peopleswar/ | BBC site with many personnal experiences. |
http://www.diggerhistory.info/pages-battles/ww2/tobruk.htm | Tobruk. Good site with photos of medals |
http://www.maltaonlinebookshop.com/cgi-bin/maltabooks/index.html?id=mAPYmIHG | Malta Online Bookshelf. |
http://www.maltaaviationmuseum.com/index.asp | Malta Aviation Museum. |
http://www.timesofmalta.com/core/article.php?id=204934&hilite=spitfire |
Times of Malta Newspaper. Very good site. This newspaper never missed an issue during the bombing of 1940-43. What a fantastic achievement under these circumstances. Veterans visit WW II exhibition at St Paul's Missionary College |
http://www.comandosupremo.com/Air.html | Comando Supremo. Great site covering Italian campaigns especially Malta with loads of information & photos of aircraft used. |
http://www.georgecrossisland.org.uk/index.asp | ![]() |
then search on Malta www.searchmalta.com then search on ww2 etc http://website.lineone.net/~stephaniebidmead/index.htm Malta Family History www.modreunited.com www.comradesandcolleagues.com www.forcesreunited.co.uk |