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Mosta Dome

Mosta Dome taken 2011

Mosta Dome taken from a Swordfish, June 1935.
Photo courtesy of Norman Tarrant.

Replica of bomb which hit the dome on the 9th April 1942.
Photo courtesy of Mark Micallef

Debris on the floor after the bomb struck.
Photo courtesy of Mark Micallef


The actual bomb & the disposal squad who defused it.
Photo courtesy of Andrew Hili

Photo courtesy of Margaret Hodgson

Hole in dome where bomb struck ( bottom right ) but failed to explode.
Photo courtesy of Mark Micallef


Photo courtesy of Mark Micallef


Mosta steel bridge
Photo courtesy of Andrew Hili

Constitution Street under construction, Mosta. Taken possibly late 1800's
Photo courtesy of Andrew Hili


Mosta taken in 2006
